College Creek Kids

About CC Kids
Seeking Jesus alongside the children of College Creek; learning to be like Him together.
Welcome - we are excited to serving your family!
We as a church community are committed to sharing and living the gospel of Jesus Christ with our children, and walking alongside them as they grow in Christlikeness. Our desire is for our children to do this in unity with the body of Christ through participation in worship, service, and life within College Creek Church.
Curriculum taught during childcare programming is centered on and driven by the good news of Jesus Christ. We are committed to teaching the riches of truth found in God’s word and fostering ever-deepening relationships with Jesus for our kids. Our goal is to come alongside our children as they seek Jesus and learn to be like Him. We recognize that children in their very nature are seekers and learners, and that they have much to teach us as we teach them.
Age-appropriate variations of our curriculum are taught in each of our classrooms as we join our College Creek Kids in "seeking and learning" together.

Birth to 2 Years
Our Explorers learn that they are known and loved by God and His people through intentional play and activity with their teachers.
3 to 5 Years
Our Adventurers learn about the love of Christ and Bible basics through engaging lessons, activities, and play.

6 to 9 Years
Our Investigators learn who Jesus is and how to live like Him as they prepare to join the rest of the College Creek community for Worship on Sundays.
The security of our children is very important to us! We ask that all children check-in before attending College Creek Kids, and that they stay with their parent or guardian when not in their classroom. Checking in prior to the start of service at 11:00 is encouraged.
An allergen-free snack will be provided. Please inform us of any allergies or health concerns during check-in.
After check-in, please plan to join the worship service for music and prayer! Children will join their teachers for lesson time and play before the sermon begins. Our volunteers will be in the service to escort children securely to their classroom after a prayer for the children.
At check-in, each child is given a security code and a matching code is given to the parent/guardian. When picking up your child, you must present the matching tag at the check-in table of the childcare hallway.
Each Sunday, our staff and volunteers work hard to create a safe and engaging space for our children. All of our childcare workers have gone through a background check process prior to volunteering with College Creek Kids, and are committed to following our Child Protection Policy.
If you are interested in volunteering with College Creek Kids, please fill out the application form, and a childcare leader will reach out to you.