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Our Leadership

Isaac Vineyard

Lead Pastor

Isaac has lived and worked in ministry in the Annapolis area for over a decade. He moved to the College Creek Corridor five years ago with no aspirations to plant a church, just to be a good neighbor, but God had bigger plans!  |  Tel: (410) 934-7042‬

Leadership Team

College Creek Church is Congregationally Ruled, Pastor Led, and Deacon Served. The Congregation has authority over membership and leadership, so that their leadership can reflect the congregation's needs.  

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Pastors Lead in the Spiritual and Theological Realms 

The Pastors of College Creek Church are men entrusted to oversee and make decisions or recommendations to the congregation on spiritual, ministry, crisis, and strategic matters in the local church. Pastors have charge over the teaching and spiritual growth of the church. They are to exercise prayerful care over the members, shepherding, discipling, praying and caring for, and serve alongside the rest of the congregation. While teaching and preaching is not meant to be done exclusively by the pastors, it is meant to be exercised under the authority of the Pastors and they are responsible for guarding against false teaching and heresy. It is their task to see that the members of the church are well cared for spiritually, physically, and emotionally, well taught in doctrine, truth, and the Gospel, and well led in their pursuit of the Lord. They are responsible for giving spiritual direction to the church as we seek to fulfill our Mission and Core Values. We have both staff and lay pastors serving at College Creek Church.

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Deacons Lead in the Ministry and Service Realms 

The term “deacon” literally means “servant,” or “minister.” Deacons are elected men and women who lead in ministry and service in the local church. While they do not exercise authority over the congregation, they are empowered by the church and focused on task oriented and service ministries in the church. Deacons are assigned particular ministries to oversee and in which to serve. We currently have 5 Deacons roles, Deacon of Hospitality, Deacon of Children's Ministry, Deacon of Operations, Deacon of Outreach, and Deacon of Benevolence. 

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Trustees Lead in the Financial and Organizational Realms

Trustees are elected men and women of the church who are entrusted with the responsibility to faithfully represent the congregation regarding legal, financial, risk management, liability, insurance, business, and property matters in a local church. Trustees could be viewed as “chief stewards” in the house of the Lord. Their role includes overseeing the budgeting process and finances, capital acquisition, upkeep, improvement, and repair, as well as the staffing of the church. While the title Trustee is not found in Scripture, we would see these individuals to be serving as deacons specifically in the areas of finance and organization.

Denominational Affiliation

Converge Mid-Atlantic

Converge MidAtlantic is a culturally diverse movement of gospel-centered churches. Our desire is to join together, arm in arm so that every neighborhood in our region has a healthy, vibrant church.

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Connect With Us

All are welcome at College Creek Church - explore different ways that you can visit us and ways our congregation stays connected to one another, the Gospel and our community.

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Explore our Bridge Groups, Men & Women's Gatherings and Bible Studies.

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Get acquainted with our teaching via our Podcasts and videos of past services.

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Whether you are ready to join us or not - we would love to pray for you.

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